One of the things I think forms the foundation of this particular blogging community, one of the things that connects us, is our desire for growth in all areas of our lives--spiritually, emotionally, relationally, professionally, artistically. We are a group of highly creative, deeply spiritual (and I don't mean that in a religious sense), incredibly open seekers. Plugging into this community has changed so many of our lives. I have watch many of you take amazing leaps in your lives, especially creatively/artistically, with the support of this community. That being said, I've been tossing an idea around for awhile now, an idea I mentioned a few posts ago that I promised to bring up again, and I would like to get your valuable feedback on it.
I believe I'm a very talented photographer. I love photography. I love images. I want my skill and professionalism in that particular area of my life to continue to grow. I feel passionate about it and it is something I will pursue the rest of my life. However, I still feel my writing is my true strength. I love to take pictures but I ache to write. I can go days without picking up my camera. I can't go days without picking up my pen. So I've been trying to decide what to do about that, trying to decide what's blogging enough or do I want more? And I always feel like I want more. One of the things I would really like to do is find a venue that will combine both my writing and my photography but goes beyond blogging. Lately one of my Mondo Beyondo dreams, one of the creative ideas that is pulling at me, one of the things I know I'd like to give a try if I weren't so damn scared is to create a zine. A zine is a small self published magazine. I know there are other bloggers out there who have created their own zines but I'm not very familiar with them so I don't know what they look like or what they entail.
But here's the deal--I'm not sure how to get started. What should it look like? What are my publishing options? Would anyone even be interested in this? This is my basic vision: the zine would be called Tangled Wings: the zine about being and becoming (or something along those lines). It would feature some of my own writing and photography as well as feature the writing and/or photography of some of my fellow bloggers. There would be a new issue every season (4 a year). The first issue would probably be an overall introduction of the concept and from there I might choose to have different topics of focus for every issue. The whole zine idea is still a work in progress (one I'm not even certain I'll pursue but if I'm truly honest with myself I would at least like to give a try) so I don't have all the logistics worked out.
This is what I need from you: feedback. Have you or do you know someone who has their own zine? Have you purchased a zine before and if so what did you like and not like about it? Do you know of any publishing options (I know is a great one but it's a little more pricey than I want)? What do you think of this idea? Is it something you think people would have an interest in (since I imagine the vast majority of the people who might purchase the zine would be people familiar with my blog)? Is there something particular you would be interested in seeing in this zine?
This is a brainstorming opportunity so I'm hoping we can all put our heads together and come up with some things I may have failed to consider or some things I may be overlooking. I think some of you out there know some really great resources that I don't know about so I'm asking for your ideas and suggestions or anything you can think of that might be helpful to me as I consider this endeavor. And finally if you don't have any particular ideas and/or suggestions a few words of support/encouragement are always nice.
So...what do you think????...I need some feedback...
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