After spending some time this evening trying to build a ttv tube for my duaflex to use with my digital camera...which never happened because I didn't have the proper materials...I finally gave up but then discovered this super fun "fake ttv" tutorial. Check it out...but be's highly adictive.
Well...I'm back... My plane flew in last night and unfortunately I had to get up early this morning and head to work even though I am completely exhausted from all the Art Fest excitement...not to mention the mounds of laundry that needs to be washed. I have so much to write about. I probably have a month's worth of posts wrapped up in this one week. I guess the best place to start is at the beginning.
The day before we were to check in for Art Fest I flew to Seattle where the amazing Kim...and she truly is amazing...I knew that before I spent a week with her and now I know it for sure...picked me up at the airport then drove me all over Seattle showing me some of her favorite shops (including Pike's Market) and some of the more fascinating things about Seattle (like the Space Needle). The entire time I kept thinking, why don't I live here? It's full of color and energy, culture and progress, change and artistry. It's a place that is very alive. And I love it. And I want to move there. Like tomorrow. It's a photographer's dream and the ocean is just right there...right there. And did I mention there are recycling bins everywhere making recycling so easy and accessible? You can recycle right then and there as opposed to saving it in your garage, loading it up in your car, and driving it to the closest facility. I knew I liked Seattle the first time I traveled there a year and a half ago and now I am sold. I am totally and completely in love with the place. All I can say is when I think about Seattle I let out a long heartfelt sigh.
I stayed that first night with Kim and her family and a friend of Kim's from Canada, Christina, who would also be going to Art Fest with us. Kim's mother, an absolutely amazing cook, stuffed me with the most incredible food ever (the best deviled eggs I've ever tasted...I swear). That night I slept long and hard which was just what I needed before my Art Fest adventure. Flying in the day before is the way to go because I can't imagine trying to fly in and get to Art Fest both in the same day. Way too much stress. Needless to say I am so grateful Kim offered her home...and her car...and her mother's cooking...and her son's bed, to me. It was nice to have a day to see Seattle and get settled in before heading to Port Townsend for Art Fest.
I have so many photos and stories to share. I want to tell you about how Kim is an artist in every way, shape, and form, show you pictures of her studio and tell you about what an amazing, generous heart she has. I want to tell you about my first ferry ride. I want to make certain I don't forget any of the details. I want to tell you about how charming and wonderful Port Townsend is. I want to tell you what it was like to see Liz again and meet Kelly Rae (and her mother) for the first time as well as Bluepoppy, Misty Mawn, and Ali Edwards. I want to tell you about how amazing Susan Wooldridge is and how her workshops truly blessed me and changed my life. I want to tell you about Word Pools and Word Tickets. I want to tell you about the beach...the sand, the tide, the seashells, the seagulls, the fallen tree trunks that make perfect benches. I want to tell you about the soft rain and the way it feels when the sun shines on your face after a nice rain. I want to share with you some synchronisities and tell you about ending the trip in Tacoma bonding with Liz and her very sweet husband John. I want to tell you so much and I know I'm going to miss something but I'm going to do the best I can.
It's been awhile since I've written a post of completely random thoughts. I thought that would be a good choice on this MLK holiday...
I'm just a girl with a blog, trying to live a fuller life.
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